Wednesday, June 29, 2011

37 Weeks- Full Term! Where is my baby?!

Ok, so I totally know where my baby is...he is kicking me as I write this.  I was just HOPING that the minute we officially had a full-term baby, he would magically pop out and we would begin the next phase of our lives.  Obviously, this has not happened.  One of the funny things about pregnancy is that they provide you with a due date that is 40 weeks, but the baby is actually considered full term beginning at 37 weeks.  Yes, it is better for him to stay put for another week so that his little brain develops a bit more and he gets a chance to fatten up but developmentally speaking he would be fine if I went into labor right now!

Speaking of going into labor, we did have an interesting doctors appointment today.  Dr. Ono is really pleased with my progress and actually said as we left his office today, "See you next Wednesday if you don't go into labor before then."  During my exam he discovered that I am ready to go, we are just waiting on Emmett to make his move.  I am 85% effaced and dialated to almost 2 centimeters.  Dr. Ono actually touched Emmett's little head during the exam today!  Of course, none of this is a guarantee that I will go into labor before 40 weeks...but please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Other exciting news from the last week, is that we got our full set of maternity photos back from our fabulous photographer, Kristen Honeycutt.  She did an incredible job (as always) but I do have to admit to having a bit of a melt down when I first saw them.  I am just not used to seeing myself look so large! Aside from vanity, pregnancy hormones also were largely to blame for my bursting into tears...It wasn't just seeing my ginormous belly (which I obviously expected when I got pregnant) but the overall bloating, weight gain and widening throughout my entire body, from my face to my feet that upset me.   I always thought that I would be able to keep exercising throughout my pregnancy and conquer these issues.  In the end I realized two things:  one, once he is born none of these trivial thoughts will matter to me and two, when you are 5 ft 2 and you gain 30+ pounds there really isn't a way to gracefully distribute that pregnancy weight. All of that said, there are 15-20 photos that I LOVE and despite me not looking like the me that I recognize, I am definitely glad that we will have these photos to look back on.  If you want to peruse the entire gallery, click on the link below:

Also, here we are at 37 weeks.  Think I can get any bigger???

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