Wednesday, June 22, 2011

36 Weeks- Thank You Portland!

I want to thank my fabulous girlfriends- Erin, Allison, Jennifer and Canyon for a fabulous baby shower this past week! It was so great to have a girls night out and I really appreciate all the effort you guys put into throwing me a wonderful and relaxing shower here in Portland!  You guys are the best!  I couldn't ask for a better group of friends or support system.  It really has been a blessing to be able to share this experience with such wonderful women.

Thanks to my continued insomnia, we have gotten A LOT done in the last week.  The nursery is pretty much ready- we are just waiting on the glider to arrive from Pottery Barn.   Since I don't sleep anymore, all of Emmett's little clothes, bedding, bottles, and pacifiers are cleaned and ready to go.  The diaper basket is stocked with newborn diapers, wipes and various ointments and lotions that we might need.  The pack n play with our bassinet is set up in our bedroom.  We have finished reading the baby books.  Theoretically, we are ready to go!

I continue to be bone tired, but at the same time I am just wired.  As much as my body wants me to stay in bed and rest for labor my mind simply will not stop and let this happen.  Hence, all the progress we have made in the last week.  Poor Todd has woken up more than once to find that I haven't slept the night before and have instead opted to go downstairs to do laundry or clean or organize some closet or cabinet in our house.  (For those of you who don't know, Todd gets up for work at 4 am.)  I think it's safe to say that I am in hardcore nesting mode!

We had our appointment with Dr. Ono today and his examination seemed to match my current state of mind.  Emmett continues to grow and be healthy and is measuring just a little bit bigger than a typical 36 week baby.  My body is starting to progress into delivering him.  As of today, Emmett had dropped and engaged in my pelvis, I am 70% effaced and beginning to dialate.  We asked Dr. Ono what this meant and he explained that it doesn't mean Emmett is going to make an appearance anytime in the next week, but it could.  There is really no way to predict this. We all agreed that we hope he will stay put for another 2 weeks or so.

Here we are at 36 weeks.  If you go to the "Bump Alert" page of the blog, you can compare the last couple of weeks of photos and see how much bigger we have gotten and note how much my belly is starting to move/point downwards.

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