Wednesday, July 6, 2011

38 Weeks- Are We Done Yet?

We are 38 weeks.  I am done.  It appears that Emmett doesn't realize that he is too, so he's staying put.  I suppose we are at what you would call an impasse and Emmett is clearly winning.  During my exam with Dr. Ono today, we pretty much learned that nothing had changed from last week.  Not exactly what I wanted to hear but it doesn't change that my body is still ready to deliver...we are just waiting for the little guy to want to leave the womb.  Todd has been trying to reason with him and I have been attempting bribery- apparently neither work on the unborn.  Dr. Ono said that he would estimate Emmett is currently 7 lbs 11 oz.  He said this is a good size for me to deliver and that he is hoping he doesn't get much bigger than 8 lbs before he comes.  I definitely agreed with this assessment!

I started off the last week with a surprising burst of energy, which resulted in some last minute nesting and organizing around the house.  Todd and I made a new headboard for our bedroom.  Todd really has gotten very good at talking me through the hormonal outbursts and crying fits associated with the third trimester, as he had the chance to illustrate a few times when I got frustrated by our progress while making the headboard.  Here is the result of our efforts:

Since Saturday, I have been slowing down and been really fatigued and nauseous.  I have spent the last few days just resting and sleeping.  The only other development this last week is that we had our initial assessment/meeting with our post-partum doula.  She is fabulous!  For those of you who aren't familiar with the concept of a doula, it's basically a baby expert who is trained and certified in babycare, is a lactation specialist and will help with household needs while you adjust to having your baby at home with you. We hired her to help us the day that we come home from the hospital, days 3 and 5 and then 2-3 times our second week at home.   Both Todd and I agreed after she did our initial assessment, that we felt a huge sense of relief knowing that we would have someone so knowledgeable and experienced to help us when we bring the little guy home.

Here we are 38 weeks.  I actually don't think that I look much bigger than last week?

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