Wednesday, June 15, 2011

35 Weeks- Winding Down...

We are 2 weeks from being "full term" and 5 from our due date and I think both Todd and I are feeling very ready to meet our baby.  I am completely and totally just out of energy.  Part of this is because I don't sleep very well- it's really more like I get quick naps between trips to the ladies room. Some of it is just this phase of pregnancy and the rest is because I am carting around an extra 30+ pounds that my body is not used to.  I am not going to whine or complain about it- this is just where I am at.  Per Dr. Ono this is totally normal and to be expected during this last part of pregnancy.  His advise was that it's time for me to just rest and take it easy, try to remain patient and let nature take its course.

We did a lot of little things this last week for the baby, including a 2 hour marathon trip to Babys R Us, which left Todd and I both feeling like neither one of us has any idea what we are doing!  As someone who was in marketing for 10 years, I've always felt that I know how to decipher the code and see through the packaging and advertising but apparently I am losing my touch.  Seriously, why are there 5 different brands of pacifiers and bottles to chose from? And how can every diaper pale option be "#1 selling" or "the choice more mothers prefer to the competition"?  Is it me or do all the baby monitors seem to do exactly the same thing?  Even though we went there feeling like we had done a ton of research and knew what we wanted, we left sort of just hoping that we had made the best selections.   That said, I think we just have a few more items before we have crossed everything off of our baby checklist.

We began our weekly doctor's appointments today.  It was all pretty much good news!  Emmett is starting to move down in my pelvis and even though I didn't gain any weight over the last two weeks, he grew still grew and is measuring just a little bit over 35 weeks. Even though Mommy doesn't have a lot of energy, Emmett showed Dr. Ono just how much he has by wiggling all around and kicking our entire appointment.  Here we are at 35 weeks, looking like it's not possible for us to get any bigger!

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