Wednesday, June 1, 2011

33 Weeks- Progress!

Last week was a very productive week in the DeCook house!  Granted most of this productivity came out of Todd, but we are a team, right?  I grow the baby, and he does the manual labor. The nursery is painted, has a fun shag rug, a new ceiling fan, bedding for the crib and brand new blinds!  We still need the glider, ottoman, drapes, to hang everything on the walls and actual mattress in the crib for it to be complete, but it's looking really good.  (And everything is ordered and on it's way to us...) Todd did a fabulous job painting and I think we are both feeling really good now that Emmett's room finally looks like a place you would want to bring a baby home to.

Vivian LOVES the shag rug...apparently we got her a fuzzy white friend!

We also were able to pick up the stroller that Todd was so anxious about receiving.  Right now it lives in the nursery, but this isn't where it belongs in the long term...Todd is just VERY excited that it has finally arrived and wants to keep it warm and dry. :)

Our Nursing and Babycare Class was last weekend.  It was a great class, with lots of information on both subjects and just like the birthing class opened up the discussion for Todd and I.  Many people have asked why Todd had to attend the nursing class, given that he can't actually NURSE the baby.  The answer is pretty simple- they ask the partner to attend so that they understand the process the mother and baby have to go through and how they can help support it.

Today we had a doctor's appointment, which was honestly pretty status quo.  Emmett is still measuring a week ahead and appears to be big and healthy.  Mommy feels exhausted, HUGE and is retaining water, but beyond that is healthy and happy that everything appears to be as it should be!

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