Wednesday, May 25, 2011

32 Weeks- I Love the Empathy Belly :)

I mentioned last week that we had a "Birthing" class last weekend, and I have to say it pretty much consumed our weekend!  Besides, the fabulous photos below of Todd wearing the 35 lb.  "empathy belly", I think that we both really got a lot out of the class and feel like it was worth sacrificing one of our last childless Friday nights and Saturday days for.  It was great to be in a room with couples who are all in the same situation as us, and be able to have an open forum and have a unbiased, well-informed instructor answer everyone's questions.  Even though I have read several books, articles, and blogs about the birthing process I feel like I really learned a lot about all the options available to me and I think that it really opened up the discussion for Todd and I to discuss what we are both expecting out of the birth of our first child.  (Besides a baby...)  This weekend we have our "Breastfeeding and Baby Care" class, so lets hope that is an equally good use of our time!

I am definitely slowing down as I get further into the 3rd trimester.  So is Emmett- I think he is starting to run out of room, which is resulting in him infringing on my rib cage and stomach.  Neither are particularly pleasant sensations, but at least we know our baby is growing big and strong!   My only real complaint is that am hungry ALL the time but cannot eat very much without feeling ill or getting heartburn.  (The latter is completely new to me, and I really hope it goes away after pregnancy!)  Luckily, I am feeling really good beyond those two small issues and don't have much longer to go.

Here we are at 32 weeks:

I also mentioned last week, that Todd wanted to contribute this week.  So here is a word from Emmett's Daddy:  
I wore the belly this weekend in our birth class.  The 10 minutes was nothing compared to the 40+ possible weeks Heather and every other woman has to go through during pregnancy.   So, ladies thank you for taking one for the team.  I was thinking during the class how can someone make an empathy birth for men.  Impossible yes, but I guess the closest thing a man could experience would be a kidney stone.  From the birthing videos, a kidney stone is nothing!  Again, thank you ladies for taking another one for the team.  I am quite frustrated with the place we bought our stroller from.  It has still not arrived.  I think the baby store forgot to order it when we were first in there.  They said it would be in on Tuesday of this week.  I called them today.  Their response, "the cup holders came in."  Next week, the unveiling of the nursery.  I am in the process of painting this week.  I have been painting bit by bit after work everyday.  Did I mention I hate painting, but between painting the nursery and the entire basement in January I am getting pretty damn good at it.

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