Wednesday, May 18, 2011

31 Weeks- Thank you California!

I want to start off this week's post by thanking all of our family and friends who came to and participated remotely in Emmett's baby shower in the Bay Area last weekend!  It was so wonderful to be able to share our excitement about our little guy and feel that same excitement returned.  We really appreciate all of the very generous gifts and well wishes for Emmett.  In particular, I want to thank my Aunt Julie for hosting the shower and making it such a special day for us, and Kacie for all of her help!  We love you guys!!

It was also great to be back in the Bay Area and take Emmett all around where his Mommy grew up.  (Even though he won't remember it and we will have to do it all over again someday...)  Todd and I took some time to go the Lafayette Reservoir (where he proposed to me) and went for a nice long drive through my hometown, Moraga.  Being in the Bay Area brought back a myriad of memories for me about my childhood, and lead to some great conversations between Todd and I about the kind of life and environment we want to provide Emmett and any other children that we may have.  As much as I complained about how boring Moraga was when I grew up there, it really is an exceptional place to raise kids with it's awesome schools and great sense of community.  I think both Todd and I agree, that we want that kind of neighborhood and community for our children.

We are making slow, but steady progress on the nursery.  We received his rug, and ordered his rocking chair.  Todd is going to start painting this week, and all of Emmett's little clothes and blankets have been washed and are in the process of being organized and put away.  Baby steps :)  This weekend we have our birthing class, which I have heard will be an eye opening experience for both of us!  Todd wants you all to know that he will elaborate on his experiences with the class next week on the blog.

We had another great appointment with Dr. Ono today.  (He said Emmett and I appear to be in perfect health!)  He shared the ultrasound results with us.  The radiologist showed that he is measuring a week and a half bigger than his due date.  So did my uterine measurements today.  One nice thing that Dr. Ono explained however, is this does not mean that he necessarily be a big baby when I deliver him.  Apparently, babies do not necessarily grow consistently every week for the first 34 weeks.  So it is possible that he could not grow for the next 2-3 weeks and end up being an average size baby.  (Here's to hoping!)

Here we both are at 31 weeks:

1 comment:

  1. You look great. I can't believe you are almost there. I admit, I am a little jealous :)
