Wednesday, May 4, 2011

29 Weeks- The Name Dilemna

It's been a beautiful week here in Portland!  I don't want to jinx it but it seems that spring may have finally arrived.  We have spent a lot of time outside, just enjoying the sunshine and also going for our daily walks.  Todd and Vivian now accompany me on all of my walks because Todd finds it alarming that I have contractions while walking and wants to make sure I take it easy while I am out getting my "exercise".  It's honestly great to have the company, and a really nice way for us both to discuss our day and what is on our minds.  One recent and ongoing topic of conversation for us has been what to name Baby Boy DeCook.  We have had it narrowed down to two names for the last few weeks, but seem stuck at this point.  I am really ready to just chose one but it's so hard to do without seeing his little face and knowing his demeanor .  Since I obviously have more interaction with the little guy, I feel like I have a sense for who he is but Todd really does not yet and his name is something that we both really have to agree on and be comfortable with. So for now, we will stick with Baby Boy DeCook or the "little prince"...but I don't know if I will be able to wait another 9-10 weeks to make this decision!

All of this outside time means we haven't made a lot of progress on the nursery, so there aren't a lot of updates on that front.  The only significant change is that we aren't going to do the argyle accent wall that we originally decided on, so the nursery will probably just be a nice, simple blue.  If you feel that the little guy really wants the argyle wall feel free to chime in and comment below.  I personally think that one argyle wall would be ADORABLE but I am not the one who has to paint it. :)

We had a doctor's appointment today and it went really well.  We are measuring just a little bit over what we should be, so that is a relief!  I took my glucose test today to check for gestational diabetes and my score was excellent, so there is no concern there.  We did also learn that I am still anemic, so I have to increase my iron supplements to try to counter that.  (All this really means is that I am a little bit more tired than your average pregnant lady, and at my level it doesn't affect the health or development of the baby.)  We have an ultrasound on Friday, so we will be able to tell you next week exactly how big this little guy is and we will have more pictures of him!

Here we are at 29 weeks:

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