Wednesday, April 27, 2011

28 Weeks- The Home Stretch!!

We are in the 3rd trimester!  Woo Hoo!! I cannot tell you how exciting it is to know that we have reached the last stage of this pregnancy and in less than 3 months we will be able to meet the little guy!  Of course, with this excitement comes the panic of all the things we have to get done in the next 10 weeks or so.  That said, the "Nesting" phase has truly begun at our house.  (I'd like to be able to blame this phenomena on hormones, but I am honestly not sure whose got a worse case of it, me or Todd...)  In the last week, we have cleaned out both attic spaces upstairs, the future nursery and rid it of all non-baby items, and cleaned and organized the basement and garage.  We are both exhausted!  It only took two car loads to Goodwill and having a huge pile of junk hauled away to finally make our house feel clutter free enough to begin working on the baby's room.  Did I mention that we also got the first pieces of the baby's furniture?  Below are pictures of the beginnings of the nursery:

His Crib:

We want to thank Grandma & Grandpa DeCook & Great Grandma Sophie for their contribution to the crib!

His Dresser:

This is a little child size rocker that was handmade by his Great-Great Grandfather Campbell for his Great-Grandfather Ken.  Great-Grandma Joan and I are going to reupholster it before he comes!

Beyond that, things are progressing well.  I feel fine except for being tired a lot of the time and not being able to sleep well.  The average baby weighs around 2.5 lbs and is around 15 inches long at 28 weeks.  I have read a few places that reading out loud to the baby in utero will help stimulate brain development, so both Todd and I have started reading to the little guy and I have to say- he just goes nuts!  I don't know if it's hearing our voice in a constant stream or the rhythm of it, but he definitely is noticing the new stimuli!  It's pretty cool to know he is really reacting to us.  :)

Here is a picture of us at 28 weeks:

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