Wednesday, April 20, 2011

27 Weeks- Countdown to the Belly Button Pop & Todd's 1st Contribution

We had a great doctor's appointment last Friday. The little guy and I are still measuring about a week bigger than how far along we are.  I am not going to lie- I feel huge! The doctor says that we are both healthy and that we will just watch to make sure he doesn't get too big to deliver "comfortably". (This begs the question, is any delivery really "comfortable"??)  We also learned that the baby is positioned head down in my uterus, which is obviously a good thing!  My belly is getting so big that my belly button is now almost flat.  Todd says he thinks it will be 2-3 more weeks before it pops, I am thinking it will be in the next week.  Dr. Ono suggested I get a support band for my belly button...I think I am just going to see what happens.

The "little prince" as his Great-Grandmother, Joan, calls him is increasing his activity, especially at night when I am trying to sleep or during the day when I am trying to rest because I didn't sleep the night before.  As much as I love to feel him kick, punch and throw elbows, I do wish he would choose to get his exercise at a time that is more convenient for his Mommy!

We had our last guests in the guest room last weekend- Grandpa and Grandma Castellano.  In the next couple of days, Todd is going to begin moving all the furniture out of the little guy's future nursery and prep the room for his crib and dresser which are scheduled to be delivered on Monday.  Then we will move on to the painting...We still have a lot of stuff to do for this little guys arrival, and are both feeling like we really need to get going on it.

I realized after I uploaded this photo, that I am wearing the same outfit as last week.  Oops!  At least I am wearing different socks? One of the many challenges of a limited maternity wardrobe :)

Here we are at 27 Weeks:

See below for Todd's first contribution.
From a Dad's point of view: Heather has been tired this week.  Tired of eating and not sleeping.  The little "prince" as Joan, Heather's Grandma, calls the baby has been kicking up a storm.   Vivian has been a good girl the last couple of days.  She is starting to respond to the baby.  Curious thoughts seem to be running through her head as to why Heathers tummy continues to grow.  Last night, she put her snout on Heather's belly when some kicking and punching of Heather's uterus was taking place.  I think I know now where the boxing speed bag concept came from.  In utero, a baby found punching on a uterus was fun and exciting so that memory stuck until the concept was turned in the speed bag later in life.  Sorry, let me get back to the purpose of this blog.  This is likely why I don't get a chance to write in here very often.  So, in the coming week's growth will be the big thing throughout May.  Not only will he be growing, but I will be starting on the nursery remodel this weekend until his arrival.  

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