Wednesday, April 13, 2011

26 Weeks- Home Sweet Home :)

Todd, baby boy DeCook and I survived our 11 day journey to NY and the Dominican Republic.  We  had a great time in both places- the last travel day was just a bit much for baby boy DeCook and I. (Nearly 10 hours of flying, plus a 3 hour layover! Not to mention the 3 hour time change...)  It was great to catch up with our friends in NY and the DR, but we are thrilled to be home.  Our four-legged babies missed us as much as we missed them and have been stuck to us like glue since we got home.  I have to say that I am relieved to be back to eating what I am used to so that I can be confident that I am providing our little guy with the best possible nutrition given my limited diet.

Here are photos from our trip:
The Dominican Republic-
New York-

Speaking of the little guy- he gets more and more active with each day!  If you feel my belly, you can feel that he is situated on the left side of it.  He kicks and moves around like crazy, but he always ends up in the same spot.  I think he is trying to make more room in there, because a couple of times a day he tries to "escape"and presses his whole body outwards from my abdomen.  It's not the most comfortable thing, and he really only stops doing it when I rub my belly like a Buddha but it is pretty cool for us to be able feel the whole length of him.  (I also have a sneaking suspicion that he has noticed that he gets a back rub when he does it...our little guy likes back rubs already!)

We have our April doctor's appointment on Friday- it was delayed a couple of weeks because of our trip.  This will be the last monthly appointment we will have.  Starting in May we will be going to see the doctor every two weeks because we will be in the 3rd trimester.  Next week I will have an update as to how big we have both gotten.

As you can see from the photo below, we are both definitely growing!

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