Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Mystery Continues...

While I was pregnant with Emmett I often wondered what our little guy would look like- would he have green eyes and dark brown hair like Todd and I? Whose nose and lips will he have?  Will he look like either one of us or be a throw back to some relative with features we don't recognize?  Now that he is here and we get to stare at him every day, I can honestly say that I HAVE NO IDEA.

When he was born everyone said that he looked like a little mini-Todd.  (I have read that all babies look like their father at birth- it's natures way of establishing paternity and protecting the baby...) As he has changed over the last few weeks people are starting to say he looks a little like me. His hair when he was born was brown, what is coming now is more blondish?  His eyes are the typical blue a baby is born would assume since both of his parents have green eyes, as do three of his four grandparents, that his eyes will be some shade of green. The centers of his eyes have already started to lighten up indicating that what I learned in college biology will hold true and he will have green or blueish eyes but those italian genes are strong and I still won't rule out my Dad's brown eyes from making an appearance!  I am 90% certain that he has Todd's lips- ok, maybe more like 75% certain.  His nose is a toss up, it honestly doesn't look like either one of ours right now.  We do both agree it looks like he will have curly or wavy hair, which he gets from both of us.  So the bottom line is that no matter how much I stare at him every day, I don't think I am going to have any immediate answers to my questions!

Last week Emmett met Grandma and Grandpa DeCook.  Everyone had a great time visiting and I am pretty certain that his grandparents think he's as special as his parents do!  Emmett was a little trooper and went out to lunch and dinners with the four of us, and even went wine tasting for the first time.  We also had great news at the doctor today- Emmett was supposed to gain 7 oz. over the last week and he overachieved and gained 9.  Our little guy is healthy and strong.  Mom, however, is exhausted from this growth spurt- can you say 24 hour a day cluster feedings?!  If he hadn't gained the right amount of weight, I probably would have broken down and cried in the doctor's office.

Here are some photos of the last week:

Vivian has discovered baby feet...she loves them as much as the rest of us.

So MAYBE he looks a little like Todd...

We LOVE tummy time!

Emmett meets Grandma Deb

Vivian reminds Grandma Deb that she still loves her

Vivian loves her Daddy

Emmett meets Grandpa Larry

Grandma Deb loves to cuddle Emmett!

Tired Emmett and Mommy

Emmett loves reading in his glider :)

Our good little boy at Screen Door...waiting for his dinner.

1 comment:

  1. great to see the current events. hope you are all having fun with each other. love, michelle
