Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Week of Firsts

It's been almost 2 weeks since Emmett was born.  It seems like has been so much longer in some respects and was just yesterday at other moments.  One thing that I have always heard parents say, and now completely understand is that it does go SO fast!  In the last two weeks, Emmett has changed so much.  Just when I think we are beginning to figure each other out he changes and there is something new to learn.      Having a newborn means that change is constant!

Since Emmett is brand new, and so are our parenting skills the last week has been filled with a lot of new first experiences for the whole family- our first sleepless night, our first spit up, the first time Emmett had an accident outside of his diaper, we had our first photo shoot and met Finn, our first friend...among other things:
With the help of our Doula, we gave Emmett his first bath.  Both of the new parents were pretty nervous about this experience, but as it turns out he is just like his Mommy and loves water!  He was smiling and happy the whole time!

Daddy gave Emmett his first bottle.  Yay!  Daddy can now help out with late night/early morning feedings :)

Daddy introduced Emmett to the afternoon nap.  They are both big fans and are making a daily ritual of it when Daddy gets home from work.  

Emmett and Vivian are still figuring each other out.  Vivian's not quite sure what the noisy little creature we brought home is for and Emmett's not quite sure about how he feels about being sniffed and licked on a daily basis.

As soon as Mommy was physically able, we got Emmett into his stroller and took him for his first walk.  This is another daily ritual that both Emmett and I are really enjoying!

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