Wednesday, July 20, 2011

40 Weeks- Meet Emmett!

He is here!  Last Friday, July 15th at 9:21 pm Emmett Peter DeCook was born.  I am admittedly completely biased, but he is absolutely perfect. When he was born he was 7 lbs 11 oz and measured 20 inches.  I have to say, there truly is no feeling that I have ever experienced that even remotely compares to seeing your child and hearing him cry for the first time.  That experience becomes even more intense when you first hold the amazing little creature that you have spent the last 9+ months growing inside of you.  It's almost surreal to look down and know that this is your baby.  It is absolutely the most overwhelmingly pure love you can imagine...

Our delivery was relatively quick.  We checked into the hospital at 6:30 am on Friday, I was in early labor with light contractions still pretty far apart, dialated to 2-3 inches and effaced so the doctor administered potocin (synthetic oxytocin) to speed up my contractions.  At noon the doctor broke my water, at 1 pm I got my epidural.  I have to say for the record, I am a HUGE fan of the epidural.  I went from having intense contractions every 4-5 minutes to taking a wonderful 2.5 hour nap in the middle of active labor.  I started pushing at 7:45 pm and Emmett was born at 9:21.

We took Emmett home late in the day on Sunday and have been adapting to life with a sweet, beautiful little newborn in our house since then.  While there have been some challenges, it has been a joy. I literally spend most of my days just staring at him and marveling at how perfect he is.  Here are a handful of the hundreds of photos from our first couple of days.  More to come on us learning to be parents... :)

Waiting for Emmett
Not the best photo, but the first time I met our little guy.

Daddy holds Emmett for the first time.

Hello world, I have HUGE hands!

He loves skin to skin cuddling.

Taking our angel home.

Daddy loves the Moby wrap.

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