Wednesday, March 16, 2011

22 Weeks- Lots of Cuddles!

We had a good appointment with Dr. Ono on Friday!  We listened to the little guys heart beat, reviewed the ultrasound results and measured my uterus.  Todd and I also bombarded him with a million questions.  :)  He said my uterus is a little over 22 cms, typically you account for a centimeter for every week of pregnancy so I am still running a little bit big, but nothing alarming.  He also said that everything with the last ultrasound looked great and that everything was developing as it should be.  The little guy weighed a little over 7 oz. and typically at 18 weeks the baby weighs 6.5 oz.   So he is a little big, but again, nothing to be alarmed about.  We have some homework from the doctor over the next few weeks- find a pediatrician, determine what parenting classes we want to take and make a final decision about where we want deliver.  (Eeek- delivery!!)

I am feeling exhausted these days...I don't sleep very well at night and even on the rare occasions that I do get a decent nights sleep, it never seems to be enough!  Everyone I talk to says, I need to get used to it because there isn't a whole lot of rest in my future!  The only plus to my increased need for rest is that I get lots of time cuddling with the two babies I already have...they are thrilled that Mom is tired all the time and spends lots of time in bed and the couch!  Vivian definitely knows I am pregnant- she likes to rest her head on my belly or cuddle up next to it.  (The doctor said she can probably hear him or feel him moving around!)  Sable is appreciative for the extra cuddles but is pretty annoyed I won't let her walk across or lay on my stomach anymore.

 Below is a photo of Viv cuddling with her brother:

Here I am at 22 weeks:

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