Wednesday, March 9, 2011

21 Weeks- Life with the Wiggle Worm

The amount of activity from this little guy has really picked up in the last week!  As I write this, Todd and I are watching him stretch either his rump or his head into the left side of my abdomen making my belly look totally lopsided!  He is responding to Todd's voice when he talks to him, seems to get excited when I turn on the juicer and the blender for his morning protein shake and even started kicking in response to Todd's whistles at the dog.  (The last one I am not totally thrilled about.  I don't really want the dog and the baby responding to the same cues but at the time when we realized what he was responding to, it sure was amusing!)

We have a doctor's appointment on Friday morning, so I will give a brief update after that.  Until then, here is what the wiggle worm and I look like this week:

Don't forget you can compare the bump photos from the last 2 months if you click
on the "Bump Alert" Page from the right hand column of the blog. :)

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