Wednesday, February 23, 2011

19 Weeks- Please Don't Call Him Olaf!!!

We have spent the last week starting to make the decisions that we were waiting to make until after we found out the gender of the baby.  Now that we know it's a boy, his Daddy sure wants to be really involved in all the decisions that are made. We decided which stroller we wanted, which car seat we liked...we even bought a crib.  I THINK we have agreed on a theme for the nursery.  The one thing we have not made any progress on is his name.  We talk about it daily. (Actually, hourly might be more accurate.)  Todd has taken to calling the little guy Olaf, which I can assure you will NOT be his name. 

In the interim, the baby boy not named Olaf continues to make my belly expand and my appetite increase!  I have taken to waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning for our first breakfast (usually toast with peanut butter).  I go back to sleep right afterwards, and wake up and have our second breakfast (a smoothie with fresh juice and protein powder) at a normal time.  He is still really active and highly food motivated- he kicks and squirms when he his hungry and he kicks and squirms right after I eat.  Much to Todd's dismay, you stilll can't feel the kicking from the outside.   He is really excited and anxious to feel that first kick!

Here is what the baby boy not named Olaf and I look like at 19 weeks:

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