Wednesday, February 9, 2011

17 Weeks- Happy Baby!

I have to say the high light of my day today was at my doctor's appointment this morning.  Dr. Ono, my OB, pressed the fetal heart monitor against my stomach and looked up at me and smiled after we listened to the baby's rapid heart beat for a few seconds and said "that's a happy baby".  I love hearing that little heart beat!

I was going to tell everyone that at week 17 the baby is size of an onion. However, after the doctor's appointment today I am not sure this is true.  Dr. Ono feels that my uterus is the size of someone who is 19 weeks along even though I am only 17.  This means that the baby is probably not the size of an average 17 week pregnancy.  So, I think for now we will drop the fruit references and just say that the baby is happy and appears to be really healthy.  :) 

We have our next ultra sound next Wednesday, so we will have new baby photos and know the GENDER this time next week!  We will also know more about how big this baby really is...

Here is what I look at 17 weeks pregnant, with a baby bump the size of someone who is 19 weeks:

1 comment:

  1. Fun. You look great! I guess you are going to find out the gender. i will check back for this next week. love to you and todd.
