Wednesday, February 2, 2011

16 Weeks!

This week the baby is the size of large avocado (about 4.5 inches).  We have one sitting on the kitchen window sill and I look down at my belly every time I see it.  It's kind of amazing!  I am feeling much better this week and have started working out again.  Well,'s not really working out but I have been going for long walks and doing leg and arm exercises. I figure just because my abs are getting all stretched out, doesn't mean I can't still have pretty arms and legs!

 Here is what our little avocado is doing to my belly:

P.S.  For those of you who have been asking me to wear my hair curly again since I got pregnant- this is it.  It appears the curls have unraveled with age.  (Either that or all the treatments penetrated my hair follicles!)

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