Wednesday, February 16, 2011

18 Weeks- It's a BOY!!!!

Today, Todd and I went to our 18-20 week anatomical screening for the baby.  We had so much fun during this appointment!  First, and most importantly, the baby is healthy.  HE has 10 fingers, 10 toes and all of HIS major organs are there and are the right size.  SECONDLY, HE is a HE!!  Our little GUY made it very clear several times that HE is definitely a BOYHE is also a complete wiggle worm and won't stop moving around.  HE was literally doing flips, kicking and waving HIS arms around the entire hour long appointment- it was comical and explains a lot about what I have been feeling in my abdomen!  HE was making it really hard for the ultra sound technician to get all of the measurements, so the photos below are a bit fuzzy.

We won't know exactly how big HE is until my next appointment with my OB in March, but based on what we saw from the measurements they were taking HE is only measuring 4-5 days bigger than HIS due date.  Not the 2 weeks that my OB told me based on the size of my uterus.  Which I am quite relieved about...

Say hello to baby BOY DeCook  :)

You can see HIS little foot up on the left side of the photo.

That is HIS little hand on his chin.  HE is deep thinker already.
Waving hello to everyone!  HE is a friendly little GUY :)
Heather at 18 weeks

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