Wednesday, February 23, 2011

19 Weeks- Please Don't Call Him Olaf!!!

We have spent the last week starting to make the decisions that we were waiting to make until after we found out the gender of the baby.  Now that we know it's a boy, his Daddy sure wants to be really involved in all the decisions that are made. We decided which stroller we wanted, which car seat we liked...we even bought a crib.  I THINK we have agreed on a theme for the nursery.  The one thing we have not made any progress on is his name.  We talk about it daily. (Actually, hourly might be more accurate.)  Todd has taken to calling the little guy Olaf, which I can assure you will NOT be his name. 

In the interim, the baby boy not named Olaf continues to make my belly expand and my appetite increase!  I have taken to waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning for our first breakfast (usually toast with peanut butter).  I go back to sleep right afterwards, and wake up and have our second breakfast (a smoothie with fresh juice and protein powder) at a normal time.  He is still really active and highly food motivated- he kicks and squirms when he his hungry and he kicks and squirms right after I eat.  Much to Todd's dismay, you stilll can't feel the kicking from the outside.   He is really excited and anxious to feel that first kick!

Here is what the baby boy not named Olaf and I look like at 19 weeks:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

18 Weeks- It's a BOY!!!!

Today, Todd and I went to our 18-20 week anatomical screening for the baby.  We had so much fun during this appointment!  First, and most importantly, the baby is healthy.  HE has 10 fingers, 10 toes and all of HIS major organs are there and are the right size.  SECONDLY, HE is a HE!!  Our little GUY made it very clear several times that HE is definitely a BOYHE is also a complete wiggle worm and won't stop moving around.  HE was literally doing flips, kicking and waving HIS arms around the entire hour long appointment- it was comical and explains a lot about what I have been feeling in my abdomen!  HE was making it really hard for the ultra sound technician to get all of the measurements, so the photos below are a bit fuzzy.

We won't know exactly how big HE is until my next appointment with my OB in March, but based on what we saw from the measurements they were taking HE is only measuring 4-5 days bigger than HIS due date.  Not the 2 weeks that my OB told me based on the size of my uterus.  Which I am quite relieved about...

Say hello to baby BOY DeCook  :)

You can see HIS little foot up on the left side of the photo.

That is HIS little hand on his chin.  HE is deep thinker already.
Waving hello to everyone!  HE is a friendly little GUY :)
Heather at 18 weeks

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

17 Weeks- Happy Baby!

I have to say the high light of my day today was at my doctor's appointment this morning.  Dr. Ono, my OB, pressed the fetal heart monitor against my stomach and looked up at me and smiled after we listened to the baby's rapid heart beat for a few seconds and said "that's a happy baby".  I love hearing that little heart beat!

I was going to tell everyone that at week 17 the baby is size of an onion. However, after the doctor's appointment today I am not sure this is true.  Dr. Ono feels that my uterus is the size of someone who is 19 weeks along even though I am only 17.  This means that the baby is probably not the size of an average 17 week pregnancy.  So, I think for now we will drop the fruit references and just say that the baby is happy and appears to be really healthy.  :) 

We have our next ultra sound next Wednesday, so we will have new baby photos and know the GENDER this time next week!  We will also know more about how big this baby really is...

Here is what I look at 17 weeks pregnant, with a baby bump the size of someone who is 19 weeks:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

16 Weeks!

This week the baby is the size of large avocado (about 4.5 inches).  We have one sitting on the kitchen window sill and I look down at my belly every time I see it.  It's kind of amazing!  I am feeling much better this week and have started working out again.  Well,'s not really working out but I have been going for long walks and doing leg and arm exercises. I figure just because my abs are getting all stretched out, doesn't mean I can't still have pretty arms and legs!

 Here is what our little avocado is doing to my belly:

P.S.  For those of you who have been asking me to wear my hair curly again since I got pregnant- this is it.  It appears the curls have unraveled with age.  (Either that or all the treatments penetrated my hair follicles!)