Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Sweet Little BOY!!

A year ago at this time I was eagerly (and impatiently) awaiting Emmett's arrival. It's both hard to believe it has only been a year and amazing at how quickly time has flown by. It seems like it was yesterday that he was laid on my chest after being born, his sweet newborn cries being answered with my inadequate greeting of "hi".  There really is no way to describe how full our lives have become since that amazing moment.

The changes a baby goes through in the first year of life are so profound and rapid that if you blink you just might miss something. During this time there are so many moments that need to be remembered and cherished. I think that we have done a great job capturing these moments with photos and videos, but as our sweet little angel begins transitioning from an entirely dependent baby to a less dependent child, there are more tactile things I know I will always miss and am so scared I will forget.  Like how soft and perfect his skin is, the smell of his hair, the way he always rests his head on your shoulder in gratitude when you first pick him up, the feel of his little fingers as he grabs at me for reassurance, the warmth of his little body cuddling up to me as he falls asleep every night, the funny bird noise he loves to make by rolling his little tongue and the way he looks at me when he laughs...oh my, that sweet laugh. It melts my heart.

As sad as part of me is that tomorrow he will be one, a bigger part of me is so excited to see the toddler, boy and man that he will become.   Emmett is amazing.  He is perfect.  He also already has very distinct and inherent personality traits.   As his parents, we need to learn how to best mold the perfect little human we created based on his innate personality.   As I have been pondering the nuances of my sweet little man, I have been thinking of all the things I want to teach him as he gets older.  The list is long.  Of course it includes the typical parental hopes of creating an adult who is kind, good to others and successful.  I am sure as time progresses my list will change with his age and the success we have in guiding him.  At this very moment, I would say these are my the things that I most want to instill in my perfect little boy:

  • Emulate your father. He is an unbelievable role model to illustrate to you how to treat your partner in life and take care of your family.
  •  Remain appropriately sensitive.  You have one of the most wonderfully expressive dispositions I have ever encountered. Continue to let yourself feel everything but don't let your emotions rule your life. 
  • Stay excited. I wish I could bottle your unbridled joy in everything that you do, see and learn.  Please don't ever loose this excitement.  It is part of what makes you so amazing and such a joy to be around.
  • You are stubborn.  You inherited this trait from both your parents. Harness this to become tenacious and determined. If you do not let it define your character, it will enable you to achieve great things.
  •  Appreciate life. No matter what is thrown your way, you are one fortunate, blessed and loved man. Never loose sight of how lucky this makes you.
  • Seize opportunities. This is different from taking risks. It is our job to teach you the difference between the two. Lesson #1- Running for the stairs when I forget to put up the kiddy gate is a RISK.  Grabbing food off my plate when I am not paying attention is an opportunity. 
  •  Be confident, not overly proud.  You like to show off all that you accomplish, which is adorable in a baby.  It is not in a grown man.  
  • You are beautiful.  Physically.  Emotionally.  Intellectually. Beautiful.  Don't forget it and don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
  • Share.  Right now you are the center of the universe, and you LOVE it.  This will not always be the case.  I promise, we will have enough toys (and Mommy's time) to go around.
  • Seek Fulfillment.  You have been given so many unbelievably amazing natural gifts and we will  provide you with every possible advantage that we can.  Please, please, please take advantage of this and do something that will make you happy and be fulfilled in life.
  • You are loved.  Your father and I will always love you more than anything in the world. No matter what. No matter where you are.  No matter what you do. You are the most important person in the world to us. This will never, ever, ever change.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!!

The morning after he was born.

4 Weeks

8 Weeks old.

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months 
11 Months

Yesterday (Almost 12 Months)

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