Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our Little Jet Setter

Well it has been a BUSY 8 weeks!  We have been on three trips, celebrated 6 birthdays, gone to a beautiful wedding and put our house on the market.  Emmett has been a real trooper through all of this activity and honestly seems to enjoy all the travel and borderline chaos.  At 10 months old he has officially been on a plane more then his daddy was before he was 21.

Emmett is getting so big and strong.  He is standing up without any assistance, walking along objects, in between objects and has even taken a few "hail mary" steps with no assistance to get to his next desired walking aide.  He is into everything- there is not a cabinet, trash can, basket, stool or drawer in our house that has not been hit by hurricane Emmett.  He has 4 teeth and is about to cut his 5th and 6th.  (How much longer does this teething thing last for?!)  The newest edition to his bag of tricks is jabbering.  This truly started a few weeks ago, and like his mother...the boy loves to talk. Non stop.  No seriously, he doesn't ever stop.  Apparently, he has a lot he has to tell us.  When we don't listen, he actively seeks out other people to speak to. Which is less than desirable when we are out eating...or on a plane.

Our first trip was to Indiana, to celebrate Grandma Deb's birthday.  It was surprise for Grandma and Emmett got to meet Auntie Danielle, Uncle Chad, Great Grandma Sophie and four of his cousins!  It was a wonderful trip and Emmet loved getting to spend time with his family.  :)
He loved his cousin Aubrey.

Meeting Great Grandma.

A little love from Grandpa.  Why won't this drawer open? do you want me to get to your hands Grandma?

Cousin Wesley is cool.

So is cousin Brady.

Auntie Danielle Emmett.  She definitely has the magic touch.

Cousin Aubrey giving Emmett his bottle.  What a little helper :)

Jeffrey's pretty cool Mom.

Did Grandpa teach you guys to do this, too?
  Our next trip was to California for Grandma Betsy's birthday.  This was our quickest trip, but it was still action packed!  Filled with cousins, Aunts and Uncles and Emmett's first swim. (This made Daddy really nervous.)

Focus on the baby, ignore his human life preserver.
Emmett and I with Uncle Rob and Aunt Melissa.  
Emmett with Aunt Kacie.  Seriously Dad, no more photos of this outfit.

He loves the water, just like his Mom.
Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick!

Our last trip was to the East Coast, we managed to hit New Jersey, NY and Connecticut in 6 days. (Oh, and Pennsylvania unexpectedly for 18 hours thanks to an emergency diversion because of plane issues.  THAT was exciting!)  We spent 2 days in Manhattan being tourists and seeing Alicia and Ryan, spent 2 days in Connecticut for Geir and Rae's beautiful wedding, and then went to the beach for the first time with Alicia and Ryan and stayed at their lovely new home.
Emmett's liked flying first class...this is the life Mom & Dad!

Are we tourists?

Yes, definitely.

Emmett's bunny enjoying the beauty of Connecticut.
Hmm...I don't like this flavor sand, Mom.

Dad, you know the ground moves when I walk on it, right?

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