Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ode to 3206 SE Lincoln (and other updates)

In south east Portland, on the corner of 32nd and Lincoln St sits a little green house.  This sweet little house was not just the first house that either Todd or I bought.  It was our first home together.  It was where we became a family.   We got engaged and married while living there.  We went through our first pregnancy, decorated our first nursery and brought Emmett home to that house.  Emmett learned to crawl and walk there.  We learned how to be parents there.  On August 2nd, the three of us walked through the house one last time, trying to soak up all the memories, and then drove away for the last time.

I can honestly say, I was shocked at how sad I was to leave our home.  As we walked through each room reminiscing and saying goodbye, it occurred to me how much of ourselves we had put into the house and how big a part of our lives it had been.  There wasn't an inch of that house that we didn't leave our mark on and that doesn't hold a very poignant memory for one or both of us.  Now, a new family will be living there and making it their home.  We have to move on to the next chapter of our lives-  the suburbs. 

Our next house is in a new development in Lake Oswego and will not be finished being built until December.  Right now, it is currently just a dirt lot with a bunch of stakes marking where our driveway, house and backyard will be. Until this dirt lot has been magically transformed into our new house, we are renting a small apartment in downtown Lake Oswego.  The location is great.  That's all I can really say about the apartment.  And honestly, as long as we are all together it feels like home and I am happy.  That said, we are really excited and anxious to be in our new house. Everyone keep your fingers crossed it will be completed on time and we can spend Christmas in our new house and start making memories in our next home!

Emmett is becoming a toddler before my eyes.  He is walking, and trying to run now.  He refuses to hold my hand in public because he's too independent.  He is starting to try to talk- he has gotten out "Hi" and "Cat".  (Although sometimes cat sounds more like gat.)  He attempts to talk to people by letting out high pitched squeals when his limited vocabulary or adorable smile fails to  engage them.  He is really into mimicking everything we do now, especially when we eat- every meal needs to start out with him using a plate or a bowl and sometimes utensils.  (All of which inevitably end up on the floor...) 

We took him on a trip to Seattle this weekend.  We saw lots of boats, planes, cars, trucks and went to the aquarium.  Anything with a motor is a big hit these days- he is all BOY.  Below are a few photos from our trip AND a link to all the photos from first birthday party we threw with the twins back in June.

We caught him right before he put two little hand prints on the shiny red car.

He thought the anemone was awesome.

Jelly Fish.

Looking at the seals play.

Bill Gates' car.  Todd and I were less than 5 feet from the man when he pulled up to our hotel and ran past us. Turns out I had been standing next to his father who was waiting for him to have dinner.

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