Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'Twas Emmett's First Christmas...

...and all through the house, four other creatures were stirring and thank god none of them were a mouse. Emmett was nestled all snug in his crib, while visions of milk danced in his head...

I am happy to report that Emmett's first Christmas was a wonderful experience!  Initially, we had thought we might head to California for the holiday, but after a lot of discussion amongst Todd and I, we made an important decision for our family- we will no longer be traveling for the holidays and are committed to spending Christmas in our home going forward.  Both Todd and I have great memories of waking up in our houses when we were kids, and want that for our children.  The thought of our child waking up in hotel for Christmas simply isn't what we envisioned for our baby.  Nor, is navigating airports and crowds and having stressed out parents.  It is time for us, as parents, to begin our own traditions for our family. This year we took elements of both of our families traditions, and meshed them together to create our own holiday.  From the Castellano side- Christmas Eve Crab Cioppino and opening presents on Christmas morning.  From the DeCook side- Christmas Mass and a traditional Christmas dinner.  So we had a cozy Christmas in Portland, and enjoyed creating new holiday traditions and planting the magical seeds of Christmas in our 5 month olds mind.  

When we first made the decision to not travel anymore, we expected that there would be times that it was just our little family celebrating.  While we both would like to be able share the holidays with our extended families, we know that with everyone being scattered throughout the country there are going to be years when it is just us.  Thinking too much about this can make you feel very isolated from your loved ones.  Luckily we were reminded this year how lucky we are to be surrounded by people who we care about and were able to spend the holiday with Grandma Joan and the Williams Family.

The greatest part of this year's holidays was the opportunity to begin to share Christmas with Emmett.  Sure he is only 5 months and doesn't "get" it yet, but he definitely knew that we were excited and happy about something and that he got to spend lots of time with his buddies, Melina and Francesca.  He really enjoyed the sparkling lights on both of the big trees we have in our house.  His first experience with church was eventful for him- there were LOTS of lights and LOTS of singing, and as it turns out, the organ is a good way to induce nap time. All of the presents were a little bit overwhelming for him, but what really got him excited was all the wrapping paper to play with!  Did you know it makes noise when you crinkle it and tastes really good?! In my head, I am already beginning to plan next year's festivities.  I can't wait to see what he does! :)

Merry Christmas Mommy & Daddy!  Why are we up so early?

Ok, I am ready for church.  It's still really early, though...

I told you it was early.  I think we should get an organ for the house...

Yes, all of those presents are for one 5 month old.

These are all for him, too...

The stocking was a hit.

So were the blocks.

And the book that Grandma recorded a reading of.  Where is she??

Quite a haul for one little guy! Thank you DeCooks & Harpers!!

Little Christmas babies!  

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