Friday, February 24, 2012

Life Stuck in Fast Forward

When you have a teething 6 month old, who happens to also be so obsessed with crawling that he practices in his sleep, time flies...

So much so that I started this blog post 5 weeks ago when he was 6 months, and am just now coming back to it- Emmett is now 7 months.  One mommy blog I happened to read described life with an infant as stuck on fast forward, making life before the baby seem like it was in slow motion.  I couldn't agree more!  Every day I start out with a list of tasks I need to accomplish for the day. Before I know it, the day is over and I have only accomplished about 10% of what I felt like I needed to get done.  That said, my fast forwarded time is being well spent.  Emmett is flourishing- he is a happy, healthy baby who changes and grows every day.  My only complaint is that as my list keeps getting longer, my days go faster and faster.

Our little munchkin is getting big SO fast.  One of the things I wanted to do for his 6 month blog post was create a video montage of the first 6 months of his life.  This has been one of my daily tasks on my ever-growing list for the last 5 weeks.  Every time I work on this project, I end up watching all the videos we have of him, over and over again and marveling at how cute he is/was and exclaiming at how much he has grown.  Editing these videos down to snippets and fusing them together seems like an impossible feat.  Maybe a first year montage is more realistic?  I will start it now and hopefully finish before he is 2.  :)

Emmett got a clean bill of health at his 6 month appointment, and has become an old pro for his shots.  One little initial cry out when the shots were administered and then smiling and flirting with the nurse the next minute!  Our little man loves the ladies...He is above the 70th percentile for both his weight and his height.  It seems like he has been teething FOREVER.  Our doctor told us that his first two teeth "are right there at the surface" and "would come in any day now".  That was 3 weeks ago.  Three LONG weeks ago (in fast forward mode.) I cannot count the number of carrots, stalks of celery or frozen apples that have been gummed through in this time period.

Emmett eats two full meals a day now.  We make all of his baby food in our little food processor at home.  We have tried everything from greek yogurt to kiwis, but his favorite staples are pureed bananas, stewed pears and steamed sweet potatoes.  It would seem that he inherited his mother's sweet tooth but not my love of vegetables. In fact anything green seems to be greeted with pursed lips and a cry- even avocados!

The really big development in our lives is crawling.  He is obsessed with it.  We started a music class with a bunch of big kids in January.  Ever since then, Emmett has been extremely frustrated by his inability to move about the room like the other kids.  We started off the month, rolling around and laying on our belly kicking our legs frantically.  Picture someone trying to swim sloppy freestyle on an area rug.  This evolved to using our belly as a pivot point, and spinning about the room.  This combined with rolling allows you to get to your toys when you realize that swimming on carpet doesn't get you very far.   As of this week, we have mastered the scoot and the backwards crawl.  The scoot works a lot better if he sneaks off of the area rug and finds the hardwood floor.  The backwards crawl I would consider progress because it involves him getting on his hands and knees.  I am pretty sure he would just call it frustrating, if he could talk!  Every time he does it, he gives me an accusatory look as if to say, "You told me if I lifted my behind and got on my hands and knees and moved all of them together, I would crawl.  Clearly you don't understand what I am trying to do here."

I think the best way to catch everyone up on how he is doing, is through a few photos from the last 7 weeks.

Emmett at 25 weeks:
At first he needed the support in the bouncer behind his back.

Getting before bed cuddles from Daddy.

26 Weeks:
Don't need the pillow behind my back anymore!

Chilling in my seat.  I think I am getting too fat for this thing, Mom.


27 Weeks:
Naked baby :)

TOES!!!  Have you seen these things?!

28 Weeks:
What's for breakfast Mommy?

This look means it's nap time.

No More GREEN stuff. I mean it.

29 Weeks:
Sweet potato, that's more like it!

It's YOU!

The day he ate two whole bananas in one sitting.

Who doesn't love a sleeping baby?!

30 Weeks:

Have I shown you how I can take all the toys off of my bouncer and throw them?

I am on YOUR bed! 

31 Weeks:
Make it stop licking me.  PLEASE.

I love my puppy.

Thanks for sharing your salad with me mom.  What about those french fries?


32 Weeks:
Garbanzo beans!

Maybe we should start brushing my hair?

A few videos that are worth sharing unedited:

We have this adorable book that instructs you to whisper the last page and then get REALLY loud for the last verse.  He cries EVERY time we read it.  He is so cute when he cries, we can't help but laugh at the poor little guy!

His frustrated attempts at crawling in our bedroom.

His frustrated attempts at crawling in the living room.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute!!! Love the videos he is growing so fast!! Such a cutie pie!
