Thursday, December 8, 2011

Emmett, Emmett, Bo-Bemmett, Banana Fana Fo-Femmett...

Sorry it has been a while!  I have been busy with the little guy and, well...just life!  My life feels so full that I am amazingly grateful (and exhausted) at then end of everyday.  Enough excuses, lets move forward.

I am starting to speak in rhyme and think in song.  I have become that women who talks, sings and makes funny faces at her infant in public and doesn't care about other people's reactions. Honestly, as long as my little guy is happy who cares if the general public thinks I am nuts?  And for the first time in my life, I have a captive audience that LOVES when I sing and doesn't care that I am tone deaf.  In fact, nothing makes Emmett smile more than when I break into random song.

Every morning we sing the standard nursery rhymes- Where is Thumpkin? and Itsy-Bitsy Spider, we sing our ABC's, we rhyme about his body parts, and go through all the little piggies...then we digress.  I first start with made up songs about changing diapers or bath time and inevitably I end up singing him baby-appropriate variations of greatest hits from the last 3 decades.  He doesn't know that Guns N' Roses and Snoop Dogg are not considered standard music for an infant or that as a boy he's not supposed to openly like Taylor Swift, and I am not going to be the one to tell him!  But seriously, do other mothers do this?   We have had a contractor in the house for the last 3 weeks remodeling our basement, and I am fairly certain that he and his workers refer to me as the crazy, singing women upstairs.  (Side note:  remodeling + infants = BAD idea.  That's all I am going to say because it was my idea!)

Emmett is 21 weeks or nearly 5 months.  He is a happy, healthy, funny little guy.  It is AMAZING how much his personality has developed in the last month.  He is a little ham, quite a little chatter box and a little flirt. (I wonder where he gets those last two from?)  This kid will seriously smile at anyone who glances his direction.  My Mom used to tell me that the biggest problem with me as a toddler was that I would walk up to strangers and introduce myself- I have a feeling I will have this problem with Emmett in the coming years!

We had Grandma and Grandpa DeCook out for Thanksgiving.  It was a great visit!  We got to spend Thanksgiving with family for the first time in years, Grandma and Grandpa got to love on their grandson and Todd and I go our first day away from Emmett since he was born to go wine tasting with our friends.  Right before their visit, Emmett had his 4 month appointment.  Dr. Meyer said he is doing great and is right on track for his age.  He measured around the 60th percentile for height and weight, so Mom is doing her job!  She also said because he is so aware that we could start him on solid foods a little early so in the last few weeks, we have introduced:

  • Rice Cereal (It eventually grew on him.)

  • Sweet Potato (YUMMY!)

  • Peas (NOT a fan...AT ALL)

  • Pears (Another big hit!)

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