Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Trials and Tribulations of Bed Rest

I cannot count the number of times in the last year and a half that I have wished that I could just have a day to myself to lay around in bed and do nothing.  The idea of being able to sleep at leisure, read and watch TV during the middle of the day was so far from possible and sounded so appealing when compared to the day to day realities of motherhood. After 10 weeks of bed rest, I can officially say that I would kill do to be able to get out of bed in the morning, take care of my child and feel unsure how I was ever going to get everything I wanted to accomplish during my day done!

When we were first told that I had to go on strict bed rest for an indefinite length of time, our first concern, beyond the health of our unborn child, was Emmett.  Emmett is a very sweet, social and ACTIVE toddler.  He was also used to spending 90% of his time with his Mom.  Keeping him happy and busy was one of my largest feats every day.  If we weren't heading off to gymboree or a play date, we were running around the house playing (aka wearing out the toddler so he would sleep.)  Obviously, this routine had to change immediately.   In so many respects, we were so lucky when it came to making this tough time as easy as possible for Emmett.  The first stroke of luck is that Todd doesn't work a normal 9-5 job; he goes into work at 4:30 am, so he is usually home around 1:30.  The second fortuitous event was that we had a great babysitter who we used for date nights and occasional day time care who was available to work for us 3-4 mornings a week. Emmett loves her and is comfortable with her, which was what was most important to us.  The third area where were very fortunate is that we have a great group of friends and neighbors who offered to step in and help us out:  Allison and the girls come over most Fridays and play with Emmett, our neighbors set up a meal train for every Wednesday night, Canyon and Finn have started coming over and playing with us on Thursdays and Kysa has been bringing us dinner on Tuesdays.  Every one's support and generosity has been fabulous and I don't know if we will ever be able to express how much we appreciate it.

Luckily, last week I was told that I am off strict bed rest.  I still have to rest and be careful but I  can be alone with Emmett (for limited time periods) and can help Todd out with light house work- mostly laundry and simple meals.  I still get very tired, very easily and when I get tired or push it too hard I start to have contractions.  At 27 weeks, baby boy #2 is viable but going into labor at this point would be anything but ideal so I am still trying to take it very easy.  The modified bed rest couldn't have come at a better time for our family.  Mentally, not being able to care for my family or help my husband out around the house was wearing on me (and I am sure on Todd, as well.) So was the pressing feeling of being completely unprepared for the impending arrival of our new baby.  Additionally, Emmett seems to have developed a massive case of separation anxiety.  Meaning whenever he is separated from me, he cries like a wild animal and frantically tries to get to where I am.  He is even doing this when left alone with Todd, so you can imagine how fun it is for our sitter and I on the days that she is still here.

As for baby boy #2, he is growing big and strong.  I should only have one more ultrasound if things continue as they are now.  He is kicking and squirming and hitting and doing all the things that a 27 week old fetus does.  He keeps me awake at night and wakes me up in the morning moving around.  Emmett is sort of aware we are having another baby- if you ask him where his baby brother is, he either points to his belly or mine. We are working on getting this one right.  :)

Here are some photos of both of our boys:

Emmett at 20 Months

Happy Easter!

Helping Mommy bake muffins for breakfast.

My happy little guy :)

Hanging out under the kitchen table.

24 Week Ultrasound 

Can't wait to kiss those little toes!

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