Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We're BACKKKK!!! (Winter Recap)

Well, it's been a very long time!  I could provide all sorts of excuses for why I haven't been blogging- we celebrated the holidays, we moved, we have been busy getting settled...I think I am just going to skip that part, catch everyone up and move on!  I think the easiest way to get back into the swing of things is to just recap the last few months with photos.


To get into the spirit of fall, we took Emmett to a pumpkin patch. He was much more interested in the barnyard animals then the pumpkins.

At 15 months, Emmett showed us that he is in fact a fearless climber. So much so, that we had to retire his high chair from everyday use because he was using it as a ladder to hop up onto the kitchen table.  Now he just uses his booster seat, but at least it's not as high...

In honor of his finely honed climbing skills, we dressed him as a monkey for Halloween. Here he is at the Lake Oswego Harvest Festival having a great time.

He loves hiking with Mom and Dad.  The backpack that he hated a year ago is now SO MUCH FUN!

He loves bath time.  If we wait too long after dinner to get things going, he will just go climb in himself. Our boy loves the water!

Emmett has developed a fascination with Elmo. Well, actually, the fascination is with all the Sesame Street characters. We let him watch TV very infrequently, but somehow it has been enough for the obsession to develop.  He actually picked this shirt out himself while we were shopping one day :)

Emmett adores both his pets.  He gives them pets and cuddles all the time. He also imitates their noises constantly.

For Christmas, we headed to California to see the Harpers and the Castellano/Dirth clans. Here Emmett and cousin Brady are cruising around Monterey in Brady's jeep.  Emmett thought it was SO cool.

We spent a day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  It is such an amazing place!

We had to remove clothes we got so wet in the toddler tide pool exhibit. I think we spent an hour in here while he touched everything he could get his salty little hands on. 

Opening early Christmas presents with his four cousins was so much fun for him! I think he enjoyed watching them more then opening his own gifts.

Emmett got to play on the big kid trampoline with his cousins. It was a little scary for Mom and Dad...

...but he thought it was pretty fun!

Opening presents Christmas morning with Aunt Melissa and Uncle Evan!

A truck!  Thank you Aunt Kacie and Uncle Rob!

Christmas Brunch.  Emmett has a blueberry syrup mask going on.
There are many things Emmett loves about the new house- all the space to run around, the neighborhood kids, his playroom...Oh and the fact that he has his own kitchen cabinet that he is allowed to play in.  Most days we find random trucks and toys stored in here, along with all his cups and bowls. 

Emmett loves the new master bathroom shower. I find him playing in it all the time.

Our 18 month appointment went really well- clean bill of health, still skinny and long. Then they gave him shots. Don't worry, he was fine 3 minutes letter when I pulled out a cup of raisins.

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