Friday, January 28, 2011

15 Weeks

We are officially at 15 weeks (as of Wednesday)!  I am starting to get some energy back, as long as I get a decent nights sleep and one nap in during the day.  I have started to feel the baby  move every now and then- just little flutters and an occasional tapping sensation. (Kind of like- "hey, what's going on out there?")   It's exciting!

I think the belly is really growing and I am starting to look pregnant.  Todd just nods his head when I ask for confirmation of this, like a good husband.  One coworker told me I just look pudgy...either way, there is definitely a difference!  See for yourself:

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is a very exciting time for us!  Being newlyweds and expecting our first (human) baby has made us even more aware of the fact that we don't live in close proximity to the vast majority of our family and many of our close friends.  We wanted to make sure we could share our excitement, progress and funny little details of our latest adventure with all of our family and friends.   Tune into this blog for weekly bump photos, new ultra sound photos, and other little random events we think you might find entertaining!